Tag: santa rosa

  • Sonoma County Fair

    Sonoma County Fair

    People look at me like I’m crazy. Crowds, overpriced rides, gut wrenching food that taste good… what’s to like about this wallet emptying experience known as the Sonoma County Fair? Everything! Yes, I spent $7 to watch the Piglet ride around on a donkey sized, sedated horse. I happily paid $8 for some fried veggies. And…

  • Flashback: Master Chef Casting Call

      Warning. Warning Warning.  (This was an old post, written years ago, probably in anger with some attitude. I was snarky back then. I’m re-posting it solely to provide a little back story to the Master Chef Short Rib Recipe.) Casting call for new Fox reality TV show. Qualifications: Amateur chef or home cook= check…